Undi zone
Link Zone(newspaper)
Monday, December 31, 2007
I start to feel stress about this job ....no mood to work already....
Finally can find 1 dealer , after few walk hour walk around Puchong, a tired job ,I sitll haven get my first sale ....I will continue to try my best
After today I May start a full time working time maybe cannot always update my blog.
***HOPE 2008 IS A LUCKY YEAR ***
Today I may meet one of my internet friend in KL , she come from Kuala selangor .But my cousin want to OT ,so he come back home late. Duno can go meet my internet friend o not . I gtg write it next time .****Happy new year and hav a new life to everyone.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
On next wednesday I will get a job in Sri petaling clicker, dono wat job is that , but I will try my best.TOday I spend RM300 to buy the uniform for my first permenant job .Really a big money to spend before working that job, they still haven comfirm me , the manager wan test me within 3 month .
Saturday, December 29, 2007
TOday is saturday, I still working my part time job in GIant puchong. A tired job .Now I feel my leg very pain, really very tired that job ....I waitting someone to online, Duno since when I start to enjoy talking with her.Good nite and hav a nice day.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Around 1pm , I follow my father go many place for working, SHA alam , USJ, Sedang,and Maju jaya . Today we come to a company , this is a big company few year ago , and my fahther say few year before this company hav many branch and advertisement. A brand company ,hav many clerk and straff , but after few ,we now visit that company , no more branch and only 1 clerk .That company telefon and fax also no more already .
Why the Big company so fast got finiancial problem ??They no properly pan their cash flow and finiancial ??no good leader??no improve their straff skill ???Or waste too much money at useless thing .
Anyway, I think I should get more experience and knowledge only start my business .Me dun wan a few year company, me hope can build a forever company.Anyway me also still jobless and lost in my future.****^^ Let us pray for a nice future .
THen I go back home and pick my mum go bank to do something ,after that already 3
pm, I go my father they work until 6pm .TOday really tired and my car already finish all the petrol .This is the day I go thought today.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
If cannot get the job, I may plan another plan.TOday still a rainig day in Malaysia,I feel my father become very old , I think he too tired to think so much think and working, I feel sad because cannot giving any help, I still can't find any job to become indepandent.I still some time get pocket money from him.
TOday my cousin work until 7pm , me wait him and pick him go back home ,GTRONIC already few day become TOp volume , What happen to GTRONIC???THe people wan goreng this stock from low price ??Because this few day the Trading price is only RM0.25, and large volume.SOmething will happen maybe.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
TOday Malaysia is Public holiday ,my parent also stay in home, they bring us go hav a nice dinner.Next week is the reopen of the school day ,me still ca't find any Colledge and job.Who can help me ?I dun wan continue to stay like useless guy in my family.
TOday I help my cousin create a new blog to sell his toy www.asiatoy.blogspot.com .Hope I will hav a luck everyday.****
Friday, December 21, 2007
A tired day today go many place, today my father friend introduce his child to explain the colledge life to me.we chat long time about 30 min.A expensive talk because by phone.A lonely and normal day although is Chrismas eve.
I still thinking my future...,hope my future hav a nice future....my chrismas wish .A it can be true ???GOd
Alone,eatting alone, I feel my feel of falling love on someone was lost, I no more confident on that already,I know me no strength to protect someone.I very tired wan sleep .Write it next time.
This is my decide , maybe will hav a dark future, but is my choice....I feel upset again, I still haven find any job. no epople hire me , I duno wat was my future, 大不了不是死,有什么比死亡跟大的???见一步,走一步,做好自己巴,不用在意别人的闲话。LIM HON FEI try your best.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A boring day,no job,no income, no study day,no knowledge....I sleep at home whole day.and start feel sad about my future, today duno y I fight with my sister maybe bad mood.I start to feel bad luck and bad atitude.I start to calm down but hard...how who can help me.................................?
After settle it I feel tired, Ireceive 1 call ,it maybe give me a job in sri petaling,but my supervisor say haven comfirm he want ask his manager first.Hope I can get the job.***I feel trired since woriking on my father there....but no salary.I stop it here write again tomolo.
I feel tired and tired about my future.....SOmetime my mind willcome out some bad messenge like ......,but I will try my best to continue my life.,but wat should Idofor it , no people lead me , feel lost , Ithink i am a useless and a bad debt for my family..No mood to type more sorry GOod nite..........
Monday, December 17, 2007
My friend start working in shopping centre already, I go find him , we wear a nice uniform and a handsome look,he get a job already, I also try go interview but there full already,my interview failed again.
THen I go back my father there,and pick my cousin go back home,I start to feel sad about my future......I shy to take pocket money from my parent already, ZI today borrow my brother RM50 to spend because my pocket no more money, a useless guy, I feel me useless,nth can do to this world and my future.......Hard to imagine my future....I feel tired,tired again,.................................DUno wat to write already???Any 1 support my blog, can u go (CAKAP APA) there say something or add my msn lim_fei90@hotmail.com to hav a chat.thanksyou
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
I decide to order delivery (madonald and Pizaa hut) after 10 min talk with their, they say no service area ,I almost want angry ,wat is the service,they must say early If no service area.
THen we go back eat dinner, my mum cook a nice dinner today.I feel lost and jobless since after SPM, feel useless, nth to do in this world,study cannot, working no experience.Business??No idea and money...What can I do tell me plz ??god...........
After eat dinner I taking bath ,then go enjoy my internet world, I think I fall in love in INTERNET world already.SInce her reject me(the story is too long next time only talk this ) ....,I suddenlly feel no more the feel of love on somebody,no mood to think it , and sometime got little bit hate about girl and no more confident on those love already,I tihnk friendship with girl is my limit level with them .I think I sick already.Nvm single i think is better because me no enough strength to protect people.
ahhhhhhh, feel useless who can lead me???hope tomolo will be nice
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
WHen come back home, I take a bath then start to spend my time in internet,online,chat,visit form....I spend more than 3 hour in internet, I feel internet arleady part of my life .I think I decide go petaling street kolej bandar study LCCI.
Maybe monday go register , i feel lost in my future. Who can lead me ??
TOday our company still overtime working, we work until 8pm, but still cannot finish, my brother decide stop and do it tomolo, I pick my cousin go back home, he is helpping my father working more than 10 year.I feel tired, although not much working .Duno why today my brain suddenlly apear her??why??I aready give up about her already, and give up about love,because is till not confident. Now I try my best to study, working ......Prepare myself.
I still feel look like lost in T-juntion cannot find my way??who can help me , lead me to the future??Anyway wish my self Good luck . Hope tomolo hav a nice day!!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I got a small accident at there, my finger injured because cut by aluminium material and sell a thing with a wrong price, I scored by my brother, I feel me useless at there.&pm , I work with my cousin at there until 7pm, then I drive car and send him home.
When I reach home I feel tired , really tired, a no salary job , no learning job....,make me feel useless .I cannot imagine wat future do I have??bad ?GOod? cannot predict. Hope is GOod.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Today I drive to KOta kemuning with my father straff,I first time drive Highway,I speed up until 100km/hour ,about 6pm ,me drive back , the rain still going on ,everyday Malaysia still raining , boring to see about that,are the god laughing to me , because me still like useless stay in home.After 8 pm , I start to online, visit forum,....I start to love on internet,I fall in love in internet, It can make me feel relax .
I feel no confident to love anybody , I start to loss comfident in my life and future, wat can I do ,anyone can help me ??anyone can give me answer??GOD??
I will try my best ,hope tomolo will hav a better day...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A boring place , many people, shop,couple....when 7pm we go back home ,a boring day.My family all go out already, me eatting alone,watching TV alone......alone.Then I start to think ..I am now jobless, tomolo still no any job or study, so wat will happen fro my life after that....cannot imagine.Hope tomolo will better....Hope the luck will come soon.
Friday, December 7, 2007
at 1pm, today I stil continue with my part time job (streamyx agen), this job is help people apply internet in MALAYSIA. I work this job since me FORM 3 in my secondary school.It is a low pay job, but is a relaxing job,just sitting there and wait for customer.
I suddenlly no energy and feel of love, maybe I still nth to do in my daily time.At 10.30pm,I go back from work.It is a tired job, I start to feel many people in this society work so hard and only earn little bit money.
After SPM I still can't find any new friend and new life, but look like will hav a dark future .Jobless ,no friend, hard to find colledge because ENglish only just pass, although got many A &B at other subjek.What can i do in future, can anyone tell me?
***Anyway, I will try my best to continue....Hope tomorrow will better***
Today ,we work OT(overtime), until 8 pm, then only go back ,after that me taking bath and feel tired.THen I go back my room and visit the forum and other....and uptade my blog. a boring life.I not feel very good without a job.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I start to feel useless,no job , no girl friend, no friend ......
,I now totally no income , a dark future..HOpe will be happy toomlo.
I try to find a job,my part time boss today call me , he wnat me work in time square.THen I go call a company to interview,they ask me tomolo go Interviem,is a clerk job .I very nervous about this job.HOpe tomolo will better.^^
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I tihnk I cannot go colledge already because of english not good.I feel a little bit upset about that . But nvm without colledge also can be very good.Be happy always.Start form tomolo I lost my job already and nth to do stay at home .
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
** 2、 靠自己 **小蝸牛問媽媽:為什麼我們從生下來,就要背負這個又硬又重的殼呢? 媽媽:因為我們的身體沒有骨骼的支撐,只能爬,又爬不快。所以要這個殼的保護! 小蝸牛:毛蟲姊姊沒有骨頭,也爬不快,為什麼她卻不用背這個又硬又重的殼呢?
媽媽:因為毛蟲姊姊能變成蝴蝶,天空會保護她啊。 小蝸牛:可是蚯蚓弟弟也沒骨頭爬不快,也不會變成蝴蝶他為什麼不需背這個又硬又重的殼呢? 媽媽:因為蚯蚓弟弟會鑽土, 大地會保護他啊。 小蝸牛哭了起來:我們好可憐,天空不保護,大地也不保護。
3、 鯊魚與魚 **
每天仍是不斷的沖撞那塊玻璃,它試了每個角落,每次都是用盡全力,但每次也總是弄的傷痕累累,有好幾次都渾身破裂出血,持續了好一些日子,每當玻璃一出現裂痕,實驗人員馬上加上一塊更厚的玻璃。 後來,鯊魚不再沖撞那塊玻璃了,對那些斑斕的熱帶魚也不再在意,好像他們只是牆上會動的壁畫,它開始等著每天固定會出現的鯽魚,然後用他敏捷的本能進行狩獵,好像回到海中不可一世的凶狠霸氣,但這一切只不過是假像罷了,
4、 神跡 **
這一句話被退伍的軍人聽到了,他轉過身對他們說:“我不是要向上帝祈求有一條新的腿,而是要祈求祂幫助我,叫我沒有一條腿後,也知道如何過日子。” 試想:學習為所失去的感恩,也接納失去的事實,
不管人生的得與失,總是要讓自已的生命充滿了亮麗與光彩,不再為過去掉淚,努力的活出自己的生命。 **
5、 釣竿 :
老人問:「你要釣竿做什麼?」小孩說:「這簍魚沒多久就吃完了,要是我有釣竿,我就可以自己釣,一輩子也吃不完。」 我想你一定會說:好聰明的小孩。錯了,他如果只要釣竿,那他一條魚也吃不到。
因為,他不懂釣魚的技巧,光有魚竿是沒用的,因為釣魚重要的不在“釣竿”,而在“釣技”。 有太多人認為自己擁有了人生道上的釣竿,再也無懼于路上的風雨,如此,難免會跌倒于泥濘地上。就如小孩看老人,以為只要有釣竿就有吃不完的魚,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
***** 原文是“古之欲明明德于天下者;先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;……心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。”********
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
如果失去是苦 你怕不怕付出
如果迷乱是苦 你会不会选择结束
如果追求是苦 你会不会选择执迷不悟
如果分离是苦 你要向谁倾诉,
好多事情当时一点也不觉得苦,然而我已经找不到来时的路 。
他从此看不起你或他给人偷了。 p
因为爱过 所以懂得,因为失去 所以容易满足,因为留恋所以珍惜......曾经爱过的
人....最终消失 的....无影无踪...END....让自已停止....悲哀!
2/11/2007----9 more day is SPM ,me still no mood to study,yesterday my friend wai hong call me and today I with him go having a breakfast in Puchong,then we go together SUnway pyramid new building, I and him park our car in that new building carpark.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Today 9 am ,I still go my father office work as a clerk ,help him type the invois , statement...........and learn some business magnement with my father accaunt clerk. I learn many thing today but not study,afternoon , my father buy me my favourite food , Chincken rice.
About 5.30pm ,I pick my cousin go back to home, he is a good straf and working with my father more than 18 year.I meet my primary friend at there, he move to a big house, he want invite me go his new house but me too tired so I go back home first.
After take bath ,I go take my dinner and see a while movie , then I come to update this blog and research the market.Yesterday the cruel oil price already reach over 95 us dolar,this is a emergency signal to the world ,sometihng will happen soon, a chinese book say, when something reach the klimaks,then the graft will drop soon, this is a natural signal can found in all the living thing .It is a nice teori.I feel life getting bored, hopoe tomolo will be more happy and good luck everyday.^^
****Hope all the people be SMILE always****
TOday spend :RM0
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
1.pm I go my father office at the industry area ,I try to check the invoice for him ......,then 2pm, I go eat my lunch at the mamak stall.Later go back work again.
After 5pm, me and my brother go back home, today the market not very good, the special (UNICO), it was raise more than RM1 today =RM1.16 close market. This stock was everyday seen in the newspaper about the change of Magnement.
After see the forum ,and research the stock .......then I go see the movie lastly , then go back sleep,because tomolo I still got go school,I hope she can reply me ............but time will settle everything .TOmolo will be better,the sadness will go off soon.Love only for the people that confident.........................But not me.
# SAD DAY#(==)
TOday spend:Lunch (bali ais +yeemee)=RM4.00
Monday, October 29, 2007
I understand What is ..... already. Thanks of you make me understand.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Last day in Sri sedaya
27/10/2007---Today is my school Graduation ceremony, I today drive to the school ,today the LDP toll no traffic jam ,I spent about 15 minute already reach my school,today is my last day in Sri sedaya ,my secondary school in my life.I give my trial result today the result is 3 A1, 4B,2C,2P.I very happy because my prinsip akaun,ekonomi asas and seni get A1, but also my MATH and english get failed.Maybe I cannot apply colledge with this requitment.I decide to study LCCI on next year.
After 1.20pm, I drive my car go Giant bandar puteri to work my part time ,before working I go eat my lunch time at the nearst chinese restaurant,then I go see back my old friend ,who wit me together in the tmnet counter last time ,I go back tmnet working again as a part time agen.But she alredy stop working at giant........
When I try to ask her friend ,her friend tell me she working at sunway redbox now.I think should forgot her as fast as posibble.
******** 爱一个人是无法忘记的,唯一的方法只有淡忘她 *******
Today Giant puchong so quiet, me only get 1 customer that is wan to update his streamyx.Two of my friend also zero sale for today.At 10 pm, me and 1 of my friend closing the counter.Then I drive back to home, my leg feel very pain .After take bath, I go bed and sleep.Hope tomolo will be a nice day^^.
Today spend:
LDP toll =RM3.20
Lunch(yeemee+bali ais)=RM5.00
Dinner(two bread)=RM3.20
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
International Reserves of BNM as at 12 October 2007:
RM336.5 billion (equivalent to USD98.5 billion) .
-The reserves position is sufficient to finance 8.6 months of retained imports and is 7.2 times the short-term external debt.
25/10/2007----TOday is my last day in school, I taking all my book to home from my locker>Today I feel happy finally finish my high school,I study in SRi sedaya already 5 year since form 1.There got some my sweet menmory but also got bad menmory.TOday my class mate order some pizza eatting in canteen.THey plan to go Penang after SPM, but not include me.I tihnk my social skill not really good, for them me only a super normal friend although already 5 year classmate.Maybe I cannot have so good skill to having friend.BUt nevermine all is over,after today I can leave this school, and start my new life/journey.
I hope can start a new life after leaving this high school.I today was got some feeling when she apear in school today, maybe this is a wrong feeling.I this is not the feeling of Love.I know she imporsible........Love for me is a MI(mission imposible).But beside love still got family ,SO I decide to put my family first.
Nevermine, I will find my love after that, now i try to study hard to get more knowledge to make myself more smart.My math paper failed alraedy only 33 is Failed marks, my english also failed already only 46.I this result cannot make me go to the colledge.What is my future ,I still feel lost.I believe the god already make the journey for us.SO I not to worried this.
Today I drive back to the bengkel to adjust my car radio to better, then I only go back to home,today Malaysia share market not bad raise about 18 point and more than 50% of the listed company is raise , I do like normally wat I do, research market by internet,newspaper,forum................(scret),after research, I go chatting with my msn friend.I start to feel no more friend in my realiti world ,I start to find friendship in internet world.I start to enjoy chatting with someone I duno and cannot see each other, I spend more than 5 hour to online in msn.I tihnk I already becoming addicted by this internet world.How can I go out of this,Who can help?
Since that time I scoled 1 of my friend ,I start to keep myself alone,no body understand this and help me to repair that friendship, I first time broke my friendship, I still remember that time is happen in 1 secience extra class, he playing my bag, I scoled him,then he angry with my .From that time I know friendship is so weak for me.Who is he??(Scret) I think when he read this, he will know.I really can say sorry to him but me cannot open my mouth.But I tihnk no change this is the last year.Hope can be friend when Next life.^^
TOday no mood to write more, I wish all the friend is this world friendship forever and Treasuring your friendship.Today I feel unlucky ,At school, today I know me is not so important for my friend although I try my best to improve it but still.....I start to feel tired......I forgot to pick my neighbour back from school because I playing badminton in hall,he angry to me already,when come back home,I put my brother car away from the wet place.He scoled me say next time dun put his car so far,actually also not so far just next to my house.
I start to thinkking, my father always say wan me together my brother to improve his business.But Ican take the future must be many thing happen ,Example fight with my brother when idea not same and many many thing,my brother got his own mine,and me also got my own mine.To avoid quarrelling, I think I not suitable to improve my father business together ,first I not really understand what my father business work as,I also not enough knowledge just like my brother always say :my still Kids duno anything.My point/view with my brother totally different. I decide to let my brother to work for my father business and give some help if he need,I find a job at the society to get more experience and knowledge.I tihnk I cannot work in same company with my brother.because if work in same company, I can see the future is............................
TOday i was decide 2 thing, the first one is I neverthink about love anymore before I sucess,because love must base on the people which is got enough strenght or to protect that people.I tihnk I still dun hav the LOVE requitment.Second is I still cannot work same company with my brother after me Graduation,because I not enough experience and knowledge as my brother always say. I will help him when he need my help.Maybe I will find another job in outside.Maybe I will learn more independent when I work for other people company.Again lastly me wan to say HOPE tomolo having a nice day.^^
TOday me spend:
luch time :pizza(farewell)=RM6.50
Tea ais:RM1.50
TOll fee=RM3.20
totally =RM11.20
My pocket money is RM10 per day = - RM1.20
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I start to worried wat I have to do after SPM.SOme people say duno,some people say I got the plan and ................Today i get my chinese paper marks is 64.But is lower than first trial exam.But I still feel happy with that marks, because at least pass.
Today my school not many people come to class,their all home study.RIng......3.30pm finish school.I drive my car to the pertol station.I go pay RM30 and start to pump the pertol.Very fast the petrol go in with in a minute.( I first time go Cartex petrol station, their have 2 type petrol 1 is gold colour, 1 is red colour, GOld colour is better quality,the red colour is more cheap is RM1.88 because it is low quality petrol.)
After that I drive out petrol statiom, but my car the petrol meter no run as all,I go back the petrol station and ask for the shopkeeper,then the shopkeeper let me know to pump got problem,so their give me go to second pump to put petrol agian.FInally I get my RM30 petrol into my car.
THen I drive to the mamak stall and hav my lunch.After finish my lunch, I go to tuisyen centre, today is Prinsip accaunt.The teacher introduce me go study after LCCI.LCCI only nid 10 month and cheap to study about RM2k.THat is study for accaunt.THen I can go direct to second year of universiti for degree.SO total is 3 year spend.
This suggest make me got some hope for my future. I trying to find more detail about LCCI from internet.Today share market was not stable in KLSE,a new list company=VOIR,a fesyen company was listed today.
After research the share market,I feel tired and go to bed and sleep.Hope tomolo have a nice day.^^
Lunch(indomee +teh ais)=RM4.20
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lim, Malaysia's third-richest individual with a net worth of $4.3 billion (2.1 billion pounds) according to Forbes magazine, died at a medical centre on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, said grandson Justin Leong, Genting's head of strategic investments.
"He died peacefully in his sleep," Leong said.
Lim retired as group chairman at end-2003 and took no further part in running the business he set up in 1965. Genting is now run by his son, Lim Kok Thay, who is chairman and CEO.
Shares in Genting, which is building a $3.4 billion casino in Singapore as part of a major overseas expansion, did not move on the news. A broker said most investors were aware that the founder had handed over management to his heirs many years ago.
There is some confusion over the media-shy Lim's age. His autobiography and newspapers give his birth date as 1918, but he publicly celebrated his 90th birthday at a party in April. In some Asian cultures, newborns start life with the age of one, not zero as in the West.
He found work as a building contractor and in the 1960s came up with the idea to develop a hilltop resort in mountain jungles near Kuala Lumpur. Genting Highlands became a major casino resort and fuelled the group's growth into other areas such as plantations, property, power generation and oil and gas.
Genting has recently expanded beyond mainly Muslim Malaysia, winning the Singapore casino contract last December and taking over British casino operator Stanley Leisure. It also has an interest in cruise line Star Cruises Ltd
The group's other listed companies are Asiatic Development, Resort World and Genting International
Monday, October 22, 2007
22/10/2007----RM3.3775= us dolar 1
22/10/2007---Today my school reopen ,me go back my school, last friday Us was dropped more than 300 point, today Malaysia also no except drop 19 point and more than 800 stock drop.TOday is a bad market moord to world stock market.But the cruel oil price was started to drop unitl 88us dolar.
Today me go school like normal,today my school got accaunt exam,Ivery happy because I can do the exam with confident and well.Another hand, today my math paper marks was ver low is about 33 marks.This result , I think cannot apply for colledge.I very worried about this hope can try my best to learn math well before thatSPM (12/11/2007).
After school, I was walk to the tuisyen centre,before going the tuisyen centre I was eat my lunch in a mamak Stall,today I was happy to chat with someone in tusyen centre.After tuysen, I was go back HOMe, I was see a letter ,that letter is from Bursamalaysia.I open it and see GTRONIC , that give me dividen about RM548.94.This is the third time I get dividen in this year with this company.
I was feel happy and think how to spend this pocket money.After readding the newspaper ,I was tired and go to bed for sleep.Hope tomolo will be a better day.
My spend :Lunch(teh ais+indo mee) =RM4.20
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Super women
Reportedly touted as “Malaysia’s Onassis” by former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tan Sri Amin Shah Omar Shah has now been officially declared a bankrupt
more info :
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cash book very Important for a business:
Cash book:
Cash book is the final record of all money that come into and goes out of your business .We can see the cash flow frow the cash book.It is a important for a business.
How to prepare it:
- You sohuld prepare a long book and seprate to few categori.
- You should collect all the receipt ,bank statement, copy of your invoice ,copy of Delivery order,supplier invoice,copy of your own invoice ,all the copy of the payment made or receive.
- THen you can seprate to two section in you cash book :Payment and receive
- FIll in the data accordding the receipt or copy of payment and your income.
- According wheather is by Cash ,bank or credit card.
- At last day of the month calculate the balance.
- Remenber income put in debit side(left hand side), payment put at kredit side(right hand side) and remember record the detail with the amount.
Advantage to prepare a cash book:
- You can eassily know where is you cash flow
- You can check back where your money come and where you money go
- You can take to referrece the monthly bank statement .See which cheque is cancelled or..................
- You also can reference the debt balance with cash book.
- Cash book is important to make one accaunt for your business.
WIthout cash book we cannot monitor our business and can't calculate our nett profit and asset .Are you already prepare cash book for your business?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
- money management
- credit counselling education
- loan restructuring services to individuals
Their services is offered free of charge.
Requitment and condition:
People that :
- Not an undischarged bankrupt
- Individuals unable to manage their own debts
- Must have positive net income
- Not under advanced legal action
- No advanced litigation taken by non-financial institution
- No loans taken from institutions not regulated by Bank Negara
- Loan exposure of less than RM2million
Application Form condition:
- Photocopies of your salary slips for last 3 months
- income and expense statements if self employed
- Photocopy of your BE Form and EA statement
- Credit card statements for last 3 months
- Application forms can be obtained from
AKPK office branches of financial services providers
branches of Bank Negara Malaysia .
USEFUL LINK :http://www.akpk.org.my/contact.htm
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Saving is good for our future,we can get many benefit when we have this attitude .The profesional say: we should prepare about 6 month salary for our saving .What benefit when we saving?
- We can use it when something emergency happen
- We can make our hope become truth.Example:Travel around the world,build a dream house or a dream car
- We also can invest our saving money to make more money.Example : unit trust,small business and share market.
- We also can use that money for our education or our child education
- With saving, can control us without spend our money maksimum.
Saving can make our life better and make us no to face for the finiancial problem, so saving is important for a individul,a family ,even a country.How to saving???
- We can control ourself saving minimum Rm1 per day
- We can put the saving money into a bank with open a saving account .
- When you have a certain amount of saving you can put in Fix deposit to get more higher interest with low risk.
- Beside this you also can invest a medium risk unit trust ,it maybe give u dividen that higher then fix deposit.
- Share market is that higher risk finiance product, but it can give u a great return but also can make u loss all your saving.
- Another idea is buy some prenium,it can be saving/investment and also give u a protection for your life.
My suggest is your can make your saving to few investment 40%for fix deposit /saving account, 30%for your unit trust because the risk not so high but can get more dividen,20%for your prenium that can protect us in life and also can be a investment product ,and lastly 10 %for share market because it is the most high risk investment product.Remind ,Don't try to invest share market without any knowledge ,you should get more knowledge before invest share ,If you invest share without knowledge,you will get another thing, that is experience,but this thing will make you pay(loss) fee for this knowledge.SO be prepare before involve in this market.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Why no money?
Those fee will make you future more worst.THen how to solve this problem:
How to that:
- We can list out our nett income
- We can list out our spend
- We try to control our desire
- We can try to live a simple life with basic living need(small house,small car or motor,eat lightly..........)
- After that, we only try to increase our income (working part time,find some MLM ,try to earn commision, invest some low risk investment, find some job provide living place and other benefit )but don' try to invest share market,because it is a HIGH risk market.
- When you keep this life style longer, you will find many benefit to you,when you have extra money must remember to SAVING.
**********Why Saving...................................(to be continue ^^ I gtg bye)***********
international reserve
Monday, October 1, 2007
HAPPY Birthday to someone 生日快乐
Wish someone HAPPY BIRTHDAY in 2 oktober be happy forever ........
What is your wish plz said it here ________________^^
WHat present you want plz say it here______________^^