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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Super women

对于新加坡著名的水务公司凯发集团总裁兼首席执行官林爱莲女士来说,可谓喜事连连。 13日,由凯发集团下属的独资子公司新泉财团设计、建造、经营和拥有的新泉海水淡化厂正式启用。这一耗资2亿美元的项目,不仅是新加坡第一座大规模海水淡化厂,而且是目前全

这家工厂每天可以向新加坡市场供应约13.6万立方米饮用水,相当于当地每日水需求量的10%。新加坡总理李显龙和林爱莲以淡化海水代酒,举杯庆祝岛国第四大水源诞生的照片,占据了当地报纸的头版。 几天后,人们在《福布斯》杂志亚洲版的封面上,再次看到了这位美丽而自信的女企业家。林爱莲以拥有凯发集团价值2.4亿美元的股票登上东南亚富豪排行榜第39位,成为首位杀入该排行榜的女性,也是榜上最年轻的富豪和唯一的巾帼。

《福布斯》的报道,称她为新加坡的“水之女皇”。 自信是成功之道 林爱莲曾经表示,当自己一次又一次失败的时候,从来都不相信自己再没有成功的机会,因此一直不懈努力。新加坡媒体也形容她,借助女性外表下钢铁般的意志和信念来改变自己的命运。 今年44岁的林爱莲出生在马来西亚霹雳州金宝甘榜,是个孤儿,与领养她的婆婆相依为命。清贫的生活使她从小就懂得挣钱的重要性,并立志要做大事。为了上学和贴补家用,她把大人送给她的玩具全部卖给邻居小孩,还曾经卖三明治、做藤器、当补习老师、推销保险、帮人写信。她虽然总是半工半读,但从中学到大学,从马来西亚到新加坡,她的成绩都是特优。

从新加坡国立大学应用化学专业毕业后,林爱莲加入当地一家荷兰制药公司当药剂师。但心中由来已久的“做大事”的愿望,一直驱使着她去寻找新的起点。 工作3年半后,眼光独到的林爱莲看准废水再生市场具有广阔的发展空间,于是毅然放弃了药剂师的工作,卖掉房子和汽车,于1989年以约1.2万美元的资本创立了以提供污水净化系统为主要业务的凯发集团。 公司成立之初只有3个人,林爱莲自己骑着摩托车,在热带阳光的炙烤下奔波于新加坡和马来西亚之间,逐个工厂推销“凯发”的废水过滤器和水处理柔化剂。

在那段经常吃“闭门羹”的艰苦日子里,林爱莲每天早晨起床后都用同一句话鼓励自己坚持下去,那就是“新的一天将会有更好的机会”。 经过十余年的努力,今天的凯发集团已经成为亚洲知名的水和流体处理公司,并在薄膜制造、使用和分解液体及固体等相关技术方面拥有丰富的经验。集团的产品从用于工业和市政的液体处理设备,发展到家庭使用的从空气中抽取水分的生水机和水龙头过滤器。该集团还致力于以薄膜技术为核心的水源和环境工程尖端科技的研发工作。

幽默、随和的美丽女人 身为大企业总裁,林爱莲却没有女强人的强硬作风。个子小小的她给人最深的印象,就是亲切随和。 她说自己的小镇性格这些年来都没有改变,不论是对高层还是下属,都从不摆架子。她说自己最大的好处就是凡事看得开、放得下,不会去钻牛角尖,所以到现在为止,人生并没有什么让她感到遗憾的地方。


今年3月,林爱莲获得第20届“新加坡商业奖”的大奖——“杰出商人奖”,成为第一位获得这一荣誉的女企业家。她幽默地告诉记者,新加坡“杰出商人奖”之所以等了20年才等到一名女性得主,是因为“20年前,我才20多岁”。 在颁奖典礼致辞中,林爱莲说:“我从来没有听到过任何一帆风顺的成功故事,也没有听说过任何没有遇到过挑战的成功企业,但我清楚地知道,信心就是把握自己的希望,坚信那些还没有实现的梦想。”

****************My predict****************

22/10/2007--- will a black monday , Malaysia( KLSE) will be a red colour.This just only my predict ,because 19/10/2007 US market was dropped more than 300 point, It is a bad signal.What should we do ? sell all the share market in monday or play the future contract.Ican't give any suggest .

***********BREAKING NEWS*********************

Reportedly touted as “Malaysia’s Onassis” by former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tan Sri Amin Shah Omar Shah has now been officially declared a bankrupt

more info :
**********Art of WAR***********

With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies. Then you will be able to fight with advantage.

Friday, October 19, 2007

19.10.2007---Today me sick already, i think is fewer,yesterday the cruel oil price is over 90us dolar,It effect today market (KLSE)drop 6 poin, and more than 600 stock drop.Today is a red market and some special stock was rise many
.Example:Kossan(7153) it is a rubber industry company , it rise 0.78 sen in last deal ,that is because got 10lot deal at RM 4.80.WHy that people wan buy in high price,the anwser only buyer know.
Tips to keep us not fall in sick is drink more water.^^today I drink almost more than 15 bottle water and go toilet many time.Now I no fewer already.Water is the good and cheap medicne of all.Wish me get well soon ^^.WHen I was sick I was miss her.(SECET)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cash book very Important for a business:

Cash book:

Cash book is the final record of all money that come into and goes out of your business .We can see the cash flow frow the cash book.It is a important for a business.

How to prepare it:
  1. You sohuld prepare a long book and seprate to few categori.
  2. You should collect all the receipt ,bank statement, copy of your invoice ,copy of Delivery order,supplier invoice,copy of your own invoice ,all the copy of the payment made or receive.
  3. THen you can seprate to two section in you cash book :Payment and receive
  4. FIll in the data accordding the receipt or copy of payment and your income.
  5. According wheather is by Cash ,bank or credit card.
  6. At last day of the month calculate the balance.
  7. Remenber income put in debit side(left hand side), payment put at kredit side(right hand side) and remember record the detail with the amount.

Advantage to prepare a cash book:


  • You can eassily know where is you cash flow
  • You can check back where your money come and where you money go
  • You can take to referrece the monthly bank statement .See which cheque is cancelled or..................
  • You also can reference the debt balance with cash book.
  • Cash book is important to make one accaunt for your business.

WIthout cash book we cannot monitor our business and can't calculate our nett profit and asset .Are you already prepare cash book for your business?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16/10/2007---------***Today breaking news***

CRUOIL Price:-------us dolar87.7 +1.60=RM295.54
The cruoil price reach the highest price yester day in US market,it effect almost whole world share market drop.I think it will raise until 90$us dolar in short term Should me decide to sell my car and take bus .^^
KLSE today was dropped about 2point.Althought not so many, but it will bring a bad economy in the future addon the secondary house loan in US start to become bad,many US people cannot pay the house loan and become bankrupt ,this will make the bank increase their bad debt .
My conclusion is the world finiancial criss comming soon,now not a good time to invest,lets keep the money to FD(fix deposit).

Sunday, October 14, 2007


This is a agency that provide by govement to help the people in finiancial problem:

Today i open news paper ,I seek this advertisement,It may be help ful to everyone in Malaysia, AKPK is an agency set up by Bank Negara Malaysia to provide
  • money management
  • credit counselling education
  • loan restructuring services to individuals

Their services is offered free of charge.

Requitment and condition:

People that :

  • Not an undischarged bankrupt
  • Individuals unable to manage their own debts
  • Must have positive net income
  • Not under advanced legal action
  • No advanced litigation taken by non-financial institution
  • No loans taken from institutions not regulated by Bank Negara
  • Loan exposure of less than RM2million

Application Form condition:

  • Photocopies of your salary slips for last 3 months
  • income and expense statements if self employed
  • Photocopy of your BE Form and EA statement
  • Credit card statements for last 3 months
  • Application forms can be obtained from
    AKPK office branches of financial services providers
    branches of Bank Negara Malaysia .