- TM
- HLbank
- Maybank
This 5 company stock market price always maintain in a price level
- TM=
- HLbank=
- Maybank=
- Bat=
GIve me comment about why??they want keep their company price not so high,prevent over buyer??
#WELCOME to RELAX EARN# This is a blog about business,stock market,LATEST Exchange rate and My diary.Any comment can msn me : lim_fei90@hotmail.com my another blog about joke ^^ : http://behappyperson.blogspot.com/ WAIT FEW SEC ,THEN YOU WILL LISTEN SOME SONG.(MUSIC ZONE) HERE HAVE A FUN ZONE ON THE RIGH HAND SIDE,THERE HAVE MANY NICE GAME,TRY IT AND PROMOTE TO YOU FRIEND!!! *HOPE U ALL CAN ENJOY HERE *
This 5 company stock market price always maintain in a price level
GIve me comment about why??they want keep their company price not so high,prevent over buyer??
Hon Fei spend list today :
hope can find a friendlly friend ,and have a same hobby with me ,this vacancy is suggest by one of my friend his name is....(scret)^^