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Saturday, July 21, 2007

world stock market list

THe world main stock market:


What is KLCI?

KLCI=Kuala Lumpur Composite Index

It start at in 1986 to know the stock market index which would serve as an accurate performance indicator of the Malaysian stock market as well as the economy Malaysia.

It contains 100 companies from the Main Board with approximately 500 to 650 listed companies in the Main Board Example: TM(telekom Malaysia),Tenaga National,Genting the big capital company and blue chips stock.SO if more percentage of composite company stock price drop it will effect the composite index drop.

History of KLCI:
1986 - KLCI was introduced
1993 - KLCI surpasses 1275.32
1994 - The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Bhd (KLSEB) re-named Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
1995 - the number of component companies was increased to 100
1997 - Due to the Asian Financial Crisis KLCI Slumped more than 500 points within 6 month

1998 - KLCI slumped to the lowest ever at 261.330 in August
1998 - KLCI worst performance volume at 15,907,400 - Average over days in Month
2000 - KLCI tops back to 974.380
2004 - KLSE was Re-named Bursa Malaysia

2005-AirAsia was inducted to the KLCI on July 1, 2005

2006- KLCI reach first 1000 point in November since 21-centurery

*Hope the Asian Financial Crisis at 1997 never come again

Porperty Lelong


  • Commecial land(puchong) 22x80ft----RM180k
  • Industri land 6800ft(puchong)-------RM100k
  • double storeyhouse near tesco puchong----RM89k
  • double storey house near cyberjaya-----RM160k

More infomation : Mr Lim 0162755670/0166108807

We can pay to you commision if you find any buyer to us

update at 22/7/2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

Can direct sale earn??

this is the chart of direct sale
Direct sale concept is like MLM(multi level-market).EXample,a factory produce a product,but how they find people buy it,in this case,this concept will be work,a upline will buy a product,then they will promote to other people to earn commision,or call other to join him and become his down line,then his down line will fine another downline.So if continue like that ,they will be a big market between downline and upline.If one upline ,he has many active downline,he maybe can get rich because he can get more commision from all the downline.
But if the downline not active, the upline cannot get many commision,so the upline must get some active downline.SO if you want be rich in direct sale you must hardworking find downline to make your network bigger,after few more year you maybe can be rich and enjoy.
My idea:
-If you got many downline and they all so active you maybe get earn money and be rich.It is a good concept to earn money,because you do this business you no need rental,pay salary to straf,and other just only need a little bit money to buy their product.
By the way,do this business,you must have a good sosial skill and good talking skill to ask people become your downline.
WIth this point,i don't like direct sale/mlm because me not a good sosial skill boy.SO i dun like MLM/direct sale, although that is a easy way to earn money.
Point to earn in direct sale or MLM:
#Bigger network you have, Bigger money you earn#
*above only my own opiniom,ask you finiancial planner before investment*

What idone

SOng-Its all about the money

Zecon berhad


Listed Detail:

Symbol & Code : ZECON (7028)
Board : Second
Industry : Construction
Business Description:

The Group's principal activities are providing polling works, foundation engineering and building construction. Other activities include operating and maintaining toll bridge and collecting toll revenue, property holding and development, plantation development and management services and other projek like: Sungai Muar Raw Water Transfer Project .

Finiancial result:

Date anounment:24-May-07
Profit :1,300




About Zecon:

Zecon have five key business there are Construction , Infrastructure ,Property Development,Toll Concession , Water Infrastructure . ZECON made its debut on the Second Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad at year 1997.

update at 21.7.2007:

closing price :RM1.65

Higher price in 12month :RM1.95

Latest news :

  • Zecon Engineering Bhd Wins Contract from Jabatan Bekalan Air Negeri Sembilan
  • Zecon Bhd announced that it has secured a MYR 125 million contract from the Negeri Sembilan state government to construct a 12.6-kilometre-long water transfer tunnel in the state.

Which aset is good??

In our life,we got many aset


  • house

  • car

  • factory
  • shop

  • cash
  • land

House can make us live in comfortable,this is a aset that we must,car can let us go some place more faster,factory can make money by produce product,shop can let us sell thing to earn ,cash can let us use it easy ,and land can let us get rental.

Are those thing can keep value???

House-if it locate in a good place it maybe can be a good invesment product,it maybe can rise 200%from the original price,or if it locate a bad place the original price of that house can be drop can make you earn money also can let you loss money

Car-car always is a liability because when you buy a car, from the first day,your car cannot sell back to original price,it must make you loss money,car 100%cannot make any profit to can bring you easy but cannot make you earn.

Factory &shop--factory and shop is a building that can make you earn money by produce product or selling product,you can do business in this aset,it maybe can make you rich by using this aset.

Land-land can make us to build,also can be a investment product,you can rent it or use it youself,it also one of the aset can make you rich.

Cash-cash is the most liquid aset you can use it anywhere,you can use it to buy thing or investment.

My idea:

If you want to sell house,factory,shop or land is hard to sell it maybe want use about 2-3year to get back money although your aset is raise value,because you must get a buyer to buy it.If you buy 1 stock and sell it to earn the margin , you also must wait at least 3 day to bank ,Cash is the most liquid aset,you can use it anytime when you want it.

But most important asset in this world is LOVE,it will keep value when you need them,them will come to help you.

YOu got what aset now ??can you share it???

exchange rate 20/7/2007

国家银行发表的汇率行情:exchange rate at 20/7/2007




Thursday, July 19, 2007

RAise again

Today the international oil price raise again at 75.05us dolar.Malaysia govement want pay more subsidi to our petrol .This will bring big effect to whole world.Hope not effect on Malaysia share market.

update at 19/7/2007

update at 19/7/2007

国家银行发表的汇率行情:exchange rate at 19/7/2007

1美元us dolar---------------3.4410/



11th Malaysian Baning Summit

Governor Bank negara Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz today 19july 2007 have a speech at Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur about 11th Malaysian Banking Summit - "The Malaysian Banking Industry Reinvention and Transformation"
In looking at the future terrain of the financial sector in Malaysia, six trends are particularly important :
  • The changing configuration of the global economy and global financial markets;
  • Regional economic and financial integration
  • Financial sector development amidst increased liberalisation in the Asian region;
  • Increased role of domestic demand in the Asian economies;
  • fifth , growing significance of Islamic finance in the international financial system
  • Developments in the regulatory structures and approaches. It can be expected that all these trends will have a significant bearing on the future of the banking industry.
update at 19/7/2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

International Reserves of BNM as at 13 July 2007

The international reserves oat Bank Negara Malaysia amounted to RM339.7 billion (equivalent to USD98.4 billion) as at 13 July 2007. The reserves position is sufficient to finance 8.9 months of retained imports and is 8.7 times the short-term external debt.

This time the international reserve is less 1 bilion compare with 629/6/2007 international reserve.

Credit Card good??

What is creadit card ?

-This card like your post paid ,if you got this card you can buy your thing after pay ,so you no need bring many cash go out for shopping.

How i apply credit card?

-You can apply it from any bank or walk in the shoppingmall,you will see many banker pomote their bank credit card to you or you can call your family member who got credit card make a subcard to you.

Are it good?

Many people now easy get creadit card and they spend money also easy.Many people can't pay their credit card amount .An the end month because over spend ,their salary not enough to pay so they pay the credit card amount to next month.At Malaysia if you cannot clear this month credit ,the bank will charge you 1.5%interest ,many people think is little bit,but you 1 year no clear you amount,it will continue charge you,after one year is 18% interest.If you salary plus bonus still cannot clear the credit,it will become your liability forever or make you bankrap.18% interest almost like borrow money from AH LOONG

Actually credit card is a good product ,you no need bring so many cash to shopping ,if you can use this card with careful, think your finiancial before use, if your clear you card every end month,the bank will no charge the 1.5%.


if you really cannot clear you credit card and the bank continue charge you 1.5%,you can try think about your friend or family ,ask them to borrow you money to clear it.
You know why the credit card always want you make autopay on credit card

At first if you autopay you will always forget the payment,when you spend your money you must thing How much is your auto pay in every month if not you will over spend on your creadit card

My advice:

  • Plan&think 5 second before using your credit card

  • Credit card can bring you easy also can bring you poor

(*above is my own advice and opinion ,ask you finiancial planner for more info.*)

What reason to make a stock rise

What make 1 stock rise???(part1)

  • earn money company

  • goreng counter

  • volume high counter

  • have a bright futre company

  • govement link share

  • get a big projek

  • have a potiential business

  • Have a good management

  • Merge with other big comapany

  • Have a high dividen /bonus

there are my 10 reason to get a stock rise,i think in share market, goreng counter is the most percentage to make 1 counter rise faster that mean volume is decide a stock rise faster, because share market is a demand market.

*Any comment can write down yours comment here, this is only my own opinion before investment ask your profesional*







Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Short term or long term investment

When you make investment in Share market:

You must buy low sell high,to earn the margin got 3 type of skill
  1. Play contra sell in 3 trading day,earn the margin without pay any money
  2. Play short term keep it few month if drop quickly cut lose or sell it in few month
  3. Play long term keep it over 1 year or 3 year or more than that.

Which type will make your get more profit/return???

Play contra will make you earn money in one day without any started money but the return is maybe 30% or 80% but this is a high risk skill,it maybe will make you lose money or force selling by bank if the share market is drop

Play short term can for the goreng counter,maybe can bring you some profit,but you must put the money into share market.EXAMPLE:TIME,TIMECOM,Dbhd

Long term keep is one of mine most favourite skill,you can choose a stock with a bright future and good potiential even is loss money company(*but cannnot loss too much money*)because this kind company will let you gained mbig profit maybe 300% or more than that .

Example:Genting or public if you keep since 10year before that you maybe now is a milionare and other low price stock like SUNWAY,Oilcorp,Insas

  • Sunway at march2007 onlyRM0.51 now july 2007 already RM1.50

=over200%=over 50 year fix deposit

So your will choose short term or Long term plz give some comment????

*this is only myself opinion before investment plz ask your profesional remisier*

HOw to investment our MONEY

When you got RM10000, you will use what idea to let it grow value??

  • Fix deposit
  • Unit trust
  • Share market


Fix deposit-You will get 3.7% per year, you will no lose any money if your take out in one year,but you cannot get the 3.7% interest

Unit trust-It will pay you more than 3.7%,maybe is 8%or13% per year or more than that, if the unit trust is earning money,it also maybe will give dividen,But if the unit trust investment fail and loss money you also will lose your money but the percentages is low

Share market-it is a dangerous market,today u may win,maybe tomorrow you will lose ,you can get profit over300% or more than it,by the way you also can lose your money.

Fix Deposit is the most stable investment but the pay is low,unit trust in the low risk investment but the pay is a bit higher,Share market is a high risk investment but you can make high profit.

NO high risk NO high return

My idea:

-You can try put RM10000 to stock market (before that you must to know what is a SHare market)to earn a high profit,when u get earn ,you may put 60%to unit trust and 40%to fix deposit.

*Remember stock market will NOT ALWAYS RAISE*

#actually share market can earn fash cash easy, but many people win money,they will not keep that money ,they will throw back the money into share market in 3 day to earn more money,but the stock market will not always raise .#

update 17/7/2007 exchange rate



