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Link Zone(newspaper)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
聽到這裡,國王讓廚子先退下,然後向宰相咨詢此事,宰相答道:「陛下,我相信這個廚子還沒有成為99族奴。」 國王詫異地問道:「99族奴?什麼是99族奴?」 宰相答道:「陛下,想確切地知道什麼是99族奴,請您先做這樣一件事情:在一個包裡,放進去99枚金幣,然後把這個包放在那個廚子的家門口,您很快就會明白什麼是99族奴了。」
國王按照宰相所言,命人將裝了99枚金幣的布包放在了那個快樂的廚子門前。 廚子回家的時候發現了門前的布包,好奇心讓他將包拿到房間裡,當他打開包,先是驚詫,然後狂喜:金幣!全是金幣!這麼多的金幣!廚子將包裡的金幣全部倒在桌上,開始查點金幣,99枚?廚子認為不應該是這個數,於是他數了一遍又一遍,的確是99枚。他開始納悶:沒理由只有99枚啊?沒有人會只裝99枚啊?那麼那一枚金幣哪裡去了?廚子開始尋找,他找遍了整個房間,又找遍了整個院子,直到筋疲力盡,他才徹底絕望了,心中沮喪到了極點。
他決定從明天起,加倍努力工作,早日掙回一枚金幣,以使他的財富達到100枚金幣。由於晚上找金幣太辛苦,第二天早上他起來得有點晚,情緒也極壞,對妻子和孩子大吼大叫,責怪他們沒有及時叫醒他,影響了他早日掙到一枚金幣這一宏偉目標的實現。他匆匆來到御膳房,不再像往日那樣興高采烈,既不哼小曲也不吹口哨了,只是埋頭拚命地幹活,一點也沒有注意到國王正悄悄地觀察著他。 看到廚子心緒變化如此巨大,國王大為不解,得到那麼多的金幣應該欣喜若狂才對啊。他再次詢問宰相。宰相答道:「陛下,這個廚子現在已經正式加入99族奴了。
蘇珊的丈夫嗜酒如命,蘇珊容忍了許多年,最終作出了一個痛苦的決定,帶著年幼的孩子離開他。事實上,即便是和丈夫離婚之後,蘇珊和他之間的麻煩依然持續著。蘇珊意識到,除了離開這個城市,自己別無選擇。但一次又一次,蘇珊無法下這個決心,她愛她的房子,她愛她的鄰居,這裡的許多東西都讓蘇珊留戀。 蘇珊找到一家房地產公司,將她的房子掛在了「待售」榜,並向1400里以外的西雅圖傳去了她的工作申請單。然後,蘇珊回到家中,等待了許多天。一個月後,蘇珊又換了兩家房地產公司,但仍然沒有找到房子的買主
蘇珊覺得,賣不掉房子,她可能就沒有能力離開這個城市了。 離婚的壓力、生活的艱苦幾乎使蘇珊崩潰,睡眠也因此變得異常困難。事實上,蘇珊能夠很快入睡的唯一地方是在教堂。每星期蘇珊都要到那裡,坐在教堂的第三排或者第四排,不長時間便昏昏欲睡…… 春天來了。已經過去了六個多月,蘇珊的房子仍然沒有賣出去。
又是一個禮拜天,理查德牧師召集孩子們作禱告。當孩子們在他的面前坐好,他從口袋裡掏出了一卷1元的紙幣,在每個孩子手中放上一張。然後,他伸進另一個口袋,掏出一張10元的鈔票。 「你們也能擁有這張10元鈔票,」他將10元的鈔票高高舉起。孩子們聚精會神地坐著,手中緊緊攥著1元的紙幣,「但是,要想得到這個,你們必須丟掉你們已經得到的紙幣。」 這真是有趣的一幕。那些孩子中沒有一個願意丟掉他手中的1元紙幣。儘管他們的年齡,已經足以讓他們知道,10元要遠多於1元。最終,理查德牧師將他的 10元鈔票又放回了他自己的口袋中。
這個小演示,使蘇珊在教堂習慣性入睡之前,思索了好一會。蘇珊突然知道自己做錯了什麼———她正用她的手緊緊攥著一枚硬幣,而這是一枚破舊不堪的硬幣———也就是她太愛她的房子,太留戀她已經熟悉的環境。但是在潛意識裡,蘇珊並沒有足夠的把握,在西雅圖就一定有一張「10元鈔票」在等著她。每當蘇珊想到這裡,就覺得移居出去,就像在茫茫黑暗中,有一條溝壑,讓她不寒而慄。 又經過了一些時候的心理磨練,當「1元和10元」的警示不斷出現在蘇珊的腦海中時,蘇珊知道她必須離開了。遠離她多年的習慣,必須作出一次大的跨越。於是,蘇珊告別了那枚破舊的1元硬幣,和孩子在西雅圖開始了新的生活。
的確,在西雅圖,蘇珊實現了暢銷作家的夢想,儘管這個夢想被延誤了很長時間。它同時也讓蘇珊擁有了一個情投意合的新丈夫,三個孩子以及三個孫子。 蘇珊的「10元」包含了晚年生活中蘇珊根本無法想像的幸福。但是,蘇珊清楚地知道,在她能夠擁有現有幸福中的任何一項之前,是她毅然張開了自已的手———不拋棄手中原來僅有的就得不到後來更多的。
Friday, August 3, 2007
- Peter Perfect。他是一个完美的市场预测者每年都能在股市最低点,投资2000元。
- Ashley Action。她很冲动,每年一拿到2000元,就立刻投资股市。
- Matthew Monthly。他很稳健,把2000元分成12等分,每个月投资。也就是所谓的平均成本法
- Rosie Rotten。她是最蹩脚的投资者,每年都在股市最高点,投资2000元。
- Larry Linger。他每年把2000存起来(债券)。
他担心自己会买在股市最高点,一直等待股市大跌,才决定投资。根据那篇文章统计出来,从1987年到2006年共20年,投资在S&P500指数上。谁是大赢家呢?Peter Perfect第一,20年后,他共有146,761元。
但出人意表的是,Ashley Action居然是第二,她共得到141,856元,仅仅输给Peter 4905元。至于稳健的Matthew排第三,共有134,625元。
而最蹩脚的Rosie也不算太差,有123,594元,僅输给Ashley 18,262元。
My dairy at 3/8/2007
If you got RM10000???
What stock you choose???
In our life,when you start invest in stock market,one thing is hard to choose:
- Low price stock
- bluechip stock
Many people start to invest in share ,they must start to know how to choose stock,some people like to choose low price stock,some people ike to choose bluechip stock.You know what is low price stock and what is blue chips stock ???
Low price stock ----Share that low price ,and not a good company but also not a very bad company.Example:JOHAN,OPENSYS,Dbhd........
BLuechips stock----Share that normally have a littler bit expensive price,A good company ,a good magnement,a stable company,a good finiancial result,and some also is composite index company.Example :Genting,IOI,Publicbank.
When we choose stock,many people would like to buy Bluechips stock,because bluechips stock will not easy make you loss money.Do you think Genting will bankruptor loss money?the percentage is very low ,I think 1 %only.If you become the big capital company share holder ,you may get dividen or some vocher from this company few time in 1 year.BLuechips company also fast easy to grow on the share price ,but also got some bluechip company very stable price maintain at 1 level price .Example TM(telekon Malaysia),this company long time no raise ,it history price only around RM10,The share holder maybe only can get dividen,and hard to earn money from the share price.
Beside that,some blue chips company share price was grow very fast,like Genting ,Digi,IOI.This kind of stock was grow very fast in 2/3 year,Example last time the DIgi onlyRM8, but now the Digi already RM21=(more than 200%return)and not include the dividen every year.That is a good return to one investor.
Now we talk about low price stock,normally why the stock price so low is because the company always loss money in his finiancial result,the magnement is not good,or also the company capital not really very big.EXample,Gtronic,Dbhd,Johan.If this kind company want go grow faster got few idea.there are goreng by investor,many volume in 1 day to buy this share, or there finiancial result better than last term,they sell their porperty to pay the loan or debt.Have some good news.Example,link with govement,Govement become share holder of the company,merge with other company,foregin investor support it , and more......
Actually low price stock also got dividen,but the dividen is not higher than the bluechips stock,low price stock good own advantage,If the share price is low,you can get buy more volume,compare with bluechips stock.Sometime low price stock can let you earn fast cash because the low price stock volume is higher than bluechips stock,but there not so stable.Sometime low price stock also have good company.Example:Tomei
Conclusion,Bluechips stock have a good future,but the stock price must be expensive,and stable,IF you want to keep you money get high return and high dividen in long term(5year or more than 5 year),I suggest you should buy blueschips stock.If oyu wan earn fast cash,and play short term,you can choose low price stock ,the change of it will very big in one day,you may earn the margin of it.SOme time investment share also must be have some luck beside skill.
30%luck,70% skill.(I wish every investor have a good luck everyday)
My advice:When a stock high price or grow up fast, you must find the answer WHY
WHen a stock low price or drop fast,you must find the answer WHY
If no WHY in your mind ,then you should be careful because ....
* WHY is very good word in our life to solve problem*
Thursday, August 2, 2007
TOday international oil price is :76.25us dolar (-0.28)=RM263.82
- this few day the oil price was drop and start to stable.
- Usa share market was start to grow back
- But (KLSE)share market Malaysia today morning is grow little bit ,but second trading season Malaysia composite index was drop.
- My blog now add 1 calculate loan calculater at the right hand side .Enjoy to use it.
my diary at 2/8/2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My dairy at 1/8/2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My dairy at 31/7/2007
exchange rate
international oil price----76.83(RM265.06)
Monday, July 30, 2007
My 30/7/2007 diary
exchange rate