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Saturday, June 28, 2008

***Magnement idea CHINESE***




























Saturday, June 7, 2008

我们是一家SUBCON公司,在2006年通过一家承包商公司在BANK NEGARA做了一幅PARTITION , 忘了签DO,那时那个MAIN CON 有事走了,我们忘了签DO。当那个工程完毕后,我们向那个承包商拿钱,他说没钱 ,追到两年后,我们再次追,,他说我们没签DO ,不可以给PAYMENT。要我们和另一个承包商(MAIN CON)签DO ,那和承包商(MAIN CON)说他两年前已经FULL PAYMENT给了那个承包商,还给我们看他们的PAYMENT VOCHER,那个MAIN CON 不要签那个DO,现在我们公司给他们玩到晕都那不到PAYMENT。好象被派骗,因为我们已经付出了人工,物质来间哪个PARTITION。

我想提醒做生意的人要多了解更多的知识关于那些生意上的BLACK AND WHITE ,以免被骗事

情有三件公司 -我们第二手承包商的SUBCON



简明 :(E)拿到BANKNEGARA 工程 ,交给 (V) 做,(V)不会做又叫我们做。 我们做了那工程以后因没签到DO ,(V) 不愿付我们钱 ,说我们没DO。 其实 BANK NEGARA 已经付了钱给 (E) ,(E)也付了钱给(V),因为(E)给我们看他给(V)的PAYMENT VOUCHER , 但(V)不要付钱给(S我们) 我们付出了人力物力竟然那不到钱 ,天理何在,叫我要如何??虽然是RM5000 ,但我们是小公司,难道小公司要==如此被欺负吗??要如何拿回我们的血汗钱??其实(E)没错,他已经付钱给(V),但(V)不付钱给我们,说我们没DO,不付我们钱。(V)公司里的负责人认识我们 我好想叫(V)出来说清楚

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

12/3/2008 ---TOday is my SPM result come out ,I go to school my result is 3A ,4B,4C .

but I canot go colledge like my classmate , they parent rich , can support them nice colledge and no worried about their family MONEY problem . They can study well ,and no worried anything .

Everybody plan to go to colledge , except me , I nid to support my family pass this Problem that happen in my family NOW . This may is my road that create by GOD . Colledge Life far from me . too small , too mini .

Nvm , I will work hard for my life although cannot go colledge . Write it next time .....

HOPE everybody be Happy always. ^^

Sunday, March 2, 2008

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

有個在農場工作的農夫 有一天這個農夫打掃完馬廄時 赫然發現他老婆送他的懷錶不見了  由於

這個懷錶對他來說十分的珍貴 於是他馬上又跑回馬廄尋找  過了一段時間幾乎把馬廄整個都翻

遍了還是沒有找到 因此他氣餒地走出馬廄 而這時候他發現外面正有一群孩童在玩耍  於是他向

那群孩童說: 假如你們之中有誰能在馬廄找出他遺失的懷錶那個人便能得到五毛錢 於是孩童們

一窩蜂地跑進馬廄裏尋找懷錶 經過了一段時間當孩童們走出馬廄時 都表示沒有找到懷錶 此時農

夫更加地氣餒與失望 就在這個時候 農夫聽到了一個聲音:我可以再進去找一次嗎?一個孩童對他說到  但是農夫覺得大家幾乎都把馬廄翻遍了 都找不到 怎么可能憑你一個人 就找得到呢?  

由於沒有任何的厲害關係 因此農夫答應了這位孩童 過了不到一會的功夫 當那孩童走出馬廄時他

手裏拿的正是農夫遺失的懷錶 農夫很驚訝地問他:你是怎么辦到的 那個小孩回答:我進去之後

什么都不作 就只是靜靜地坐在地上 慢慢地我聽到了滴答 滴答的聲音於是循著聲音我找到了懷錶-----  

這個故事是否能給你有所警示呢 當你不斷地努力工作時 你是否曾經靜下心來好好想一想 你所努力的方法及方向,是否正確呢?

more at...
鐵軌有一群小朋友在外面玩 而那個地方有兩條鐵軌, 一條還在使用,一條已經停用 只有一個小

朋友選擇在停用的鐵軌上玩 其他的小朋友全都在仍在使用的鐵軌上玩 很不巧的,火車來了 (而

且理所當然的往上面有很多小孩的,仍在使用的鐵軌上行駛) 而你正站在鐵軌的切換器旁,因此

你能讓火車轉往停用的鐵軌 這樣的話你就可以救了大多數的小朋友 但是那名在停用鐵軌上的小

朋友將被犧牲 你會怎麽辦? 據說大多數人會選擇救多一些的人 換句話說,犧牲那名在停用鐵軌

上玩的小孩...  但是這又引出另一個問題 那一名選擇停用鐵軌的小孩顯然是做出正確決定 脫離

了他的朋友而選擇了安全的地方 而他的朋友們則是無知的選擇在不該玩耍的地方玩 爲什麽做出

正確抉擇的人 要爲了大多數人的無知而犧牲呢? 這篇文章蠻發人深省的, 我們常被教育要顧全

大局,但公平嗎? 似乎當大家都做的理所當然的時候, 我們就必須隨波逐流, 否則就會被放逐


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

20/2/2008 --I resign my job last month , now jobless, my father suggest me finish my study only come out work , because my family member dun let me work since I finish my SPM exam .

SO now I wait until the SPM result come out ,I will go find a colledge and finish the study .Hope I can finish it , but some problem is happen .......

ANy way < I will try my best finish my study then only come out work , and the love I will put away until me sucess .

Lim Hon Fei Target : Family and Career put in First place ,love and other second .

*****Tomolo is last day of chinese new year, hope all hav a lucky year .*****

Friday, February 8, 2008

17 signs you like someone.. :)

SEVENTEEN:You look at their profile constantly.

SIXTEEN:When you're on the phone with them lateat night and they hang up, you stillmiss them even when it was just twominutes ago.

FIFTEEN:You read their Texts and Ims Over andover again.

FOURTEEN:You walk really slow when you're withthem.

THIRTEEN:You feel shy whenever they're around.

ELEVEN:When you think about them, your heartbeats faster but slower at the sametime.

TEN:You smile when you hear their voice.

NINE:When you look at them, you can't seetheother people around you, you just seehim/her.

EIGHT:You start listening to slow songs whilethinking about them.

SEVEN:They're all you think about.

SIX:You get high just from their scent.

FIVE:You realize you're always smiling whenyou're looking at them.

FOUR:You would do anything for them, just tosee them.

THREE:While reading this, there was onepersonon your mind this whole time.

TWO:You were so busy thinking about thatperson, you didnt notice number twelvewas missing

ONE:You just scrolled up to check & are nowsilently laughing at yourself.

Who are you thinking now ?He/ SHe maybe is your......

***Happy Eveyone Chinese New Year ***

Saturday, February 2, 2008

5/2/2008---Two more day is chinese New year , This year is rat year , also is my 18 year old year , My father there was closed today, I haven go buy my new shirt . I still few lost for my future road . who can tell me how to walk it after the chinese new year ?
Work / Study ??

Who can give me the answer ? _______________

My father face a big finiancial problem at this year , because his busines start to decrease , I feel him already lost his mind and feel confuse . But me can 't help him anything. I feel useless . Inow resign job already .SO I no more Income , the share market this few month also not very good .

MY Predict:

I think a big bull market will comming in the next few month , when all the people lost almost all their money and mind ,then the bull market will started , I think share market is playing a Physiology , a mind and mood game . We want to win it (SHare Market ) , we must good in control our EQ and emotion .

Who hav a good EQ , he/she will Win this investment game .

Tips :
When the Spring will come ? This year ? Like my teacher say , we should hav positive thinking , After a cool winter , then the warm Sping season will coming soon .


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

1/2/2008---Yesterday I resign my job that in Sri Petaling Clicker , I feel Free now , I start to plan my future , but still thinkking, TOday I read a newspaper , there write , we should spend our time 80% thinking and 20% do It.

SO that we will not choose wrong way in our way are it right??TOday morning I go back my father office but also nth to do at there, I trying to change my father company to better ,hav more business , but I failed , I failed to help him .I feel sad about this .

What should I do to help him ??Who can lead me?GOd???....WHat I born for ???Are the Timing not right??Icannot predict .I only can hope tomolo will be a better day .^^

Wish everyone happy and be Smile always .^^Let US Smile^^ to change to world become more nice.
30/1/2008---TOmolo is my last day in Sri petaling Clicker, I decide to resign this job my mana ger already approve, I tell him I go futher study ,I nid to pass my work to someone call ryan , tomolo I nid to pass up my sale report .

A bad report , I loss almost RM2k in the Econsave Kota kemuning brooth, because only 2 PA sale at there .I nid to submit to account department to give salary for my agen , I know If I submit that report , I must scoled by my boss , this is a bad thing , and my future.........?? My sister wan me go take the Great Eastern exam (insurrans agen exam ) , she want me be her downline ...., 见一步,行一步吧。。。汉辉加油!。。。。创造未来

Monday, January 14, 2008

19/1/2008-- The chinese new year coming soon , today is saturday so I wear casually to my office in Sri petaling, I hav a teh tarik in the morning and start to working, today I first time brieffing agen . I just talk wat I like to them .

About 2pm I drive to Kota kemuning ECosave , and staying there about 2 hour < there still zero sale , I already open that brooth 10 day already still zero sale .I start to feel tension and decide to close it next tuesday .This roadshow make me feel tired and tension.

I duno why start to miss her , she make me feel boring withour her , Why ??who can tell me??
17/1/2008---TOday I wake morning and drive my car go SRi PETALING working , I feel bored and tired in working already.

Now I got some dealer to deal with me , so I start got little bit sale , but I still decide to resign in next month , because I think this job not suitable and too far from my house .AM I tomolo hav a nice day ???TO tired wan to sleep GOOD nite .^^ WIsh everypeole happy and relax.
14/1/2008---TOday is monday, Sri petaling clicker hav a meeting in 8am morning, all people standding and listen to blak.......

TOday very tired and run many place to find dealer, but stil no sale ,my petrol also finish.This job salary may not cover my expend.What can I do am I nid to chage JOB??god can u lead me ????

Sunday, January 6, 2008

12/1/2008----TOday is saturday, I go working like usual, me reach office at 8pm , I go open my BBMM portal , ...kosong again, my sale kosong again, then I drive car go find dealer, I finally find 1 dealer in there .HOpe he can give me sale .

After that , I go kota kemuning , find my brooth , still kososng I start to feel tension and presure, I going to resign after the chinese new year...

My decision is good ???are god give me chance to working in other COMPANY???LEAD me can ???
11/1/2008---TOday I go office working, my portal syster still no FORM,my courter in kota kemuning still dun hav form ,I feel stress , the company will loss 5k
if anything happen .

I would like to resign this job , but is also a hard thing to say this .I maybe not suitable to those sale job, I would like to do admin, GOd wat can I do can u lead me ???
10/1/2008---TOday is the 8st day I working in Sri petaling clicker, I only find 3 sale in this company ,I already try my best go find dealer open courter in kota kemuning, but still cannot find many sale, I start to feel tension and dono wat to do . I already few night cannot sleep well and cannot eat , No mood all day .

Are this job not suitable to me ???are me should resign to find another suitable job ???
9/1/2008-----TOday is the second day I open the courter in kota kemuning,today still the same zero sale , I start to feel presure and tension, Are I resign this job ????TOday no mood to write .
8/1/2007-----Today is my 6th day working in this stress job , SRI PETALING CLICKER, I open a courter in the Encosave at Kota kemuning and hire 2 of my friend to become my agen , really is a tired and hard job, today is the first day , the total sale is zero, I start to feel more stress , My total sale until today is only RM77 but my boss say me salary is RM1000 so must hav RM1000 sale , I feel stress and no more mood to celebrate the chinese new year that coming soon .

Maybe I will resign this job next month although I already spend many petrol and toll on this job .SRI petaling CLicker sale job is a HARD and Stress job for me .I will try my best to find sale in this month before I resign.
6/1/2007--TOday is SUnday , a bad mood sunday , tomolo is morning got meeting in my company I may report my sale , but my sale only hav 1 so I may scoled by them .A tension job I feel stress and cannot relax in every min ...HOw is my Chinese new year in next month no mood to hav my new year ...HOw???

I today morning go GIant and get a dealer but nth to use because dealer no give me any Sale so far ...we still dun hav any ative dealer , TOmolo wat I am going to do ??who can tell me ??god ???? I think that job not suitable for me ,I may resign it next month If still no sale .My situation is dealer hav , but no sale at all .

I feel I waste my petrol toll fee and my uniform fee ,I feel useless , cannot do anything to give this world ??wat should I do ????Hope tomolo will good mood ....After work this job I start to feel sad , cannot sleep cannot eat and no mood always.........Why this job make me so stressfull ???I start to think back my School time menmory ,are my life always get bully ??when I am in school my classmate always bully me ,then the girl say me weak ...

WHen come out working , in Office ,my supervisor and couledge also give me many job but not my job ..I help them do their job and get scoled by manager .THe people sayagan , HONFEI y u always bully by people ??? I tihnk I failed at all , when study study hard cannot get good result, working hard also cannot good result .......are this is my luck ??bad??good ??

BUlly and WEAK are the word always apear in my life .....I feel very tired ,tired , no body support..............I feel LIFE is no meaning less ....Uselsess and no meaning life......